In this episode, we examine the secret of true Kingdom fellowship. Fellowship must first be with Almighty God and then with each other. This dynamic…
In this episode, Dr. Lake will examine John’s testimony that real spiritual life is only found through the biblical Jesus revealed in God’s Word. Jesus…
In this episode, we discuss Corby Shuey’s new book, For Valor: Defending the Faith for Those of Worth. This book will serve as a tactical…
In this episode, Dr. Mike Spaulding and Dr. Michael Lake discuss the increased international tensions and the need for the Remnant to mature and return…
In this episode, David Allen Rivera joins the Kingdom War Room to discuss his book Manifest Destiny: Endgame of the Elite.
In this episode, Dr. Lake continues his study on 1 John Chapter 1. He examines the theological concepts of both the transcendence and immanence of…