Do Not Be Deceived Conference
May 9 – 10, 2024
Strategic Remnant Learning Center – Biblical Life Assembly
343 N. Diggins Main Street
Seymour, MO. 65746
Conference Contact: Stephanie Emmerson. semmerson@biblical-life.net
Regardless of where you are living on planet Earth, your culture is being manipulated by fallen immortals, the priesthood of darkness, and their minions. Because of darkness’ tacit influence, lies have become truth, truth is fake news and censored, and humanity’s moral compass has been destroyed. How do believers remain clear-headed and true to God’s Word in such a toxic spiritual and psychological environment? SRLC has assembled a panel of Kingdom experts to address these issues and more.
Pastor Carl Gallups
Pastor Carl Gallups has been the senior pastor of Hickory Hammock Baptist Church in Milton, Florida since 1987. He is an internationally acclaimed Amazon TOP-60 best-selling author of numerous books, a ghostwriter and contributing author for several other renowned bestselling authors and was a conservative radio talk show host from 2002-2021 on two Gulf Coast AM stations and two Gulf Coast FM stations -all of them livestreaming to the world. He was the host of two shows – Ask the Preacher with Pastor Carl Gallups, and Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups – the Oval Office of Gulf Coast Talk Radio. Currently, a brand new show, “A Relevant Word with Pastor Gallups” airs on 1620 AM and 92.3 FM on the Gulf Coast (9-10 AM ET).
Dr. Michael K. Lake
Dr. Michael K. Lake is the Chancellor and Founder of Biblical Life College and Seminary. He is the scholar-in-residence for the Strategic Remnant Learning Center – Biblical Life Assembly. Dr. Lake is the author of the best-selling books, The Shinar Directive: Preparing the Way for the Son of Perdition, The Sheeriyth Imperative: Empowering the Remnant to Overcome the Gates of Hell, The Kingdom Priesthood: Preparing and Equipping the Remnant Priesthood for the Last Days, and The Kingdom Warrior: Full-Spectrum Spiritual Warfare 1. He is a popular speaker at national Christian conferences and is a frequent guest on many Christian TV and radio/podcast programs in North America.
Vicki Anderson
Vicki Joy Anderson graduated from the University of Northwestern in St. Paul, MN, majoring in Bible and English with a writing emphasis. After many years in corporate management, Vicki Joy stepped out in faith to become a full-time author and speaker in 2019. Vicki Joy writes for Real Dark News.com and L.A. Marzulli’s Politics, Prophecy, and the Supernatural, as well as writing on apologetics, poetry, and fringe topics. Vicki Joy’s latest book, “They Only Come Out at Night: Exposing the Dark Weapon of Sleep Paralysis” is available now on lamarzulli.net. Vicki Joy can be found at VickiJoyAnderson.com and vickijoyauthor on Instagram.
Session 1 – Being an Overcomer in the Age of Deception by Dr. Michael K. Lake
Download the MP3 audio version of this session.
SRLC Spring 2024 – Session 2: The Yeshua Protocol – Part 1 Carl Gallup
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SRLC Spring 2024 -Session 3: Rise of the Beast System. Dr. Michael K. Lake
Download this teaching in MP3 audio format.
Silicon Zombies and the Renewal of the Mind – Vicki Anderson
Download this teaching in MP3 audio.