In the past few years, we have had so many ministers whose sins were revealed that I am hesitant to refer to anything a “living”…
SRLC Fall 2023 Conference Session 5: Walking in Our Authority with Dr. Mike Spaulding
Thinking Like Kingdom Priests by Dr. Mike Spaulding
“The Kingdom Warrior” by Dr. Michael K. Lake is a spiritual warfare training manual, offering a full-spectrum approach to combat. Written to equip the Remnant,…
The Bible warns that the last days will be a time of great apostasy. What lie is so mesmerizing that it misleads multitudes of professing…
In this episode, we discuss Corby Shuey’s new book, For Valor: Defending the Faith for Those of Worth. This book will serve as a tactical…
In this episode, Dr. Mike Spaulding and Dr. Michael Lake discuss the increased international tensions and the need for the Remnant to mature and return…
In this episode, David Allen Rivera joins the Kingdom War Room to discuss his book Manifest Destiny: Endgame of the Elite.